In the course of way too much snow and cold weather in the confines, mixed with all urban driving, short trips and some ongoing discussion on a Santa Fe board about AWD, TCS, ESC (which one of my 8 year olds more rightfully yet unintentionally called
disability control) leading to some over-enthusiastic driving/testing in poor conditions I managed by far my worst tank ever. I must admit it is an exceptional extreme weather vehicle even with just the all seasons pumped up into the 50s.
Anyway, I knew it was going to be a bad tank from the start so I got the playing around out of my system. Final result as I got sick of watching the low fuel light on the past few days was around 68 litres for a bit under 400 KMs, not quite the 10 LHK I
try very hard to avg, in fact about 70% worse!

I think it was actually in the high 13s... will know for sure when I stop procrastinating on my log.
Anyway, our Accord's finally gone into the shop for the timing belt, all the fluids and an emissions test (first stuff done other than oil changes in 6½ years) so my dearly beloved had to borrow my FSP last night when she went out. She knew it was a new tank and that I wanted to get the fuel economy back on track, yet when I peeked at the
Prev Day trip on the SG out of curiosity I saw
MAX RPM 4129 ...
MAX KPH 125. Ouch! Then I get the full scowl because I looked and worse yet commented. Must be Valentine's Day!
It seemed pretty clear that the OP's FJ wasn't calibrated, but those guys are on crack hoping that their FE sweet spots are in the 70 and 70 plus like they were talking about. The FJ is one of the few vehicles out there that makes my vehicle look really sleek!
Thanks for the link Metro, interesting read.