Wow ,thank you for offering.
I will have a motor controlled louver system for my grille, using a headlight motor.
I have two large electric fans with two speeds.
I can get cheap temperature sensors, 0 to 5 volts.
headlight motor has open and closed limit switches already.
I can get a throttle position sensor for reading back louver position, 0 to 5 volts.
I'd like to:
Close louvers when the key is turned on, and temp sensor >.3 volts, for example.
Open louvers to value X when temp reaches 1.0 volts
open louvers to value y when temp reaches 1.5 volts
turn on fan #1 to low when temp exceeds 1.6 volts
turn on fan #2 to low when temp exceeds 1.65 volts
turn on fan #2 to low when Air Conditioning is on and speed switch is off ( I have another component that reads the VSS speed info and can be set with dip switches.)
Progressively switch fan #1 and then fan #2 to high setting based on a combination of temperature and boost value from a pressure sensor.
Allow fan #1 to run on low setting for X minutes after shutdown, depending on underhood temperatures.
Have an LCD display with a few switches, so I can see all these temps and louver values.
Sound simple enough?