Mine is an interesting name - and a rather ODD source.
I am always making up silly songs for my girls ( 5 and 1) - changing lyrics or making up completely new songs. My mother always called me "creative" but i am just plain WEIRD. ( I calculated the day my daughter turned PI years old ( 3.14159 yrs old) and we had Pie to celebrate.. I can send anyone the spreadsheet - all you do is enter date and time of birth and it calculates all your PI Days ( my 11th PI day was June 24 08)
see - is that just weird... well back to the actual post here...
About 2 years ago - wife and i were playing Civilization 3 on the computer.
I has just recieved a Military Leader (1st one for me) and we had to name the person.
I wanted a strong name that would inspire FEAR in my enemies and show that he was the ruler of all!!!
So i typed "Doofus McFancypants"... my wife was actually on the floor laughing..
needless to say he DIED the next turn.. but i though the name was unique - so it has stuck. use it an a few forums.
Just like the Highlander - there can be only one..... Doofus McFancypants.
Steve - AKA Doofus McFancypants
"If there's a new way, I'll be the first in line - But it better work this time"
 First Milestone passed - 30 MPG (city) 5/15/08
Best City Tank - 8/31/09- 34.3 MPG (EPA= 20)
Best Highway Tank - 5/20/09 - 36.5 MPG (EPA= 28)
In effort to drive less:
Miles NOT driven in 2009 = 648 (Work from home and Alt Transporatation)