Just my opinion, new to the forum, need to vent

I'm just an slightly average mechanic. My opinion is we (the people who pay), are gonna have solve the mpg problem. I telling my age, but i was watching nascar racing in the mid 60's and early 70's. Ordinary guy's who started out racing (with a little history in bootlegging in the 30's, 40's, and 50's. E'nuh of that, one of the best (engineer's, mechanic's or whatever) Henry "SMOKEY" Yunick. Hey, i don't have no degree in physic's, or engineering. I won't even try to explain thermal dynamic’s (but correct me if i'm wrong, a. {a liquid when heated expands in volume}, b. {a liquid's boiling point is increased by pressurizing it}, c. {a vapor under pressure cool's when it is allowed to escape}. However we do it, we are gonna have to solve this! The tinker's, mechanic's, modder's, hot-rodder's, or whatever. I just wanna hand the key's to my 85' small-block g-body to my grandson in about
20 yr's. (getting about 400hp 50mpg, i can dream can't i) It took only one college grad to figure out the trajectory to get to the moon an back. If anyone on the planet can, WE CAN. I think that ole nascar mechanic was on the right track.(no pun) intended) Besides how many patent’s do you have attributed your name, and how many nascar legend’s, people in the automotive industry, do you know on a first name basis. So before
you discount his idea. Do some research! I know i am.
Follow these link's to info on smokey's hot vapor cycle engine.
Adiabatic Engine - Hot Vapor Cycle Engine - Henry "Smokey" Yunick
Banks Power | Cool Air Equals Power
Georgia Fiero Club Official Website
HIMAC Research - Letters
US Patent 4592329 - Apparatus and operating method for an internal combustion engine
US Patent 4862859 - Apparatus and operating method for an internal combustion engine
Henry "Smokey" Yunick -- Fuel vaporizing carburetor system
Apparatus and operating method for an internal combustion engine (US4862859)
Apparatus and operating method for an internal combustion engine (US4503833)
Fuel charge preheater (US4338906)
Internal combustion engine and turbosupercharger therefor with heat pipe for intake mixture heating (US3965681)
Henry "Smokey" Yunick -- Fuel vaporizing carburetor system -- USP # 4862859
Al Gore Wasn't the Only Guy Flogging an 80-mpg Car - Column/Patrick Bedard/C/D Staff/Columns/Features/Car and Driver - Car And Driver
United States Patent: 4592329
Tom Kjos and The Spyders of Al
Operation of forced induction internal combustion engines - Patent 6282898
Infinite Networks CET Technology is Now Proven | Business Wire | Find Articles at BNET
New combustion engine creator boasts 85% efficiency - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Engine & fuel engineering - Smokey's Adiabatic Engine
Smokey Yunick and the secret of his "adiabatic engine - Honda-Tech
P. S. If they crush my 85' M. C. SS I’ll be in it!!!
Some search keyword’s I used.
hot vapor cycle engine
hot vapor cycle engine patent
smokey yunick
henry yunick
Phase 1 Adiabatic Engine
Alberto Solaroli
How did i do?