I currently have the EX rims installed, mainly because I think they look awesome. But since I've been reading up on efficiency and aerodynamics, I quickly realized I made a big mistake. Luckily I purchased the EX rims for about $100 each + shipping so I think I will break even if I purchase the hybrids minus the fact that I will have to buy new tires, but this time I will actually have a choice in what tires I get. I sold my old steelies for $70 each.
You obviously favor the hybrid non-vented rims over stock lx / ex rims. Just based on looking at them, do you think they would cut it pretty close to the traditional pizza pan covered rims, as far as aero goes? I can't find any comparison data for the 8th gen civics hybrid rims vs other options. It's quite apparent that they would flow much better than ex rims.
Just to add a little more info to this thread, Hybrid Civics come stock with under belly panels to reduce under drag. I have ordered those. I found a thread on 8th civic I think it was where a guy installed them on his SI coupe.
PS: I found the hybrid spoiler on that site, requested a quote