Originally Posted by aerohead
* You've publicly discounted the value and data from both DARKO and A2 Wind Tunnels, while Hucho has doesn't appear to have a problem with either of them.
A perfect example of Aerohead's misinformation: Hucho mentions neither of these wind tunnels.
And that, folks, is what Aerohead does all the time. Reads a book, draws his own (often erroneous) conclusions, then states it as fact to be backed up by the book he read.
That's where The Template came from, that's where Aerohead's rules of thumb came from (eg diffuser angles) - and so on. He was doing it just the other day in a post here about the Ahmed body.
Trouble is, when you actually go to the reference (or in the case of the Ahmed body, look at later references) the conclusions Aerohead draws are simply wrong.