I recently acquired a thermoelectric mini fridge. As a fridge, it doesn't work so very well - it will get down to ~50 degrees with an ambient temperature of 70.
So, I took it apart. You know the saying: "If it ain't broke - fix it until it is." So I now have a peltier effect cool/heater. I put my meat thermometer on the cold side with the fan off - and it gets down to freezing (probably a bit below). On the hot side, with a big sink and fan - it seems to be ~85 at it's warmest point (this sink is about half a square foot and an inch deep).
Ideas on where to use? It's 110 service.... It literally almost killed me a few days ago when I touched a transistor sink that was part of the rectifier circuit while holding a plate that was grounded (I got knocked out for a few seconds)
No, it would NOT make a good car a/c substitute

I'm thinking of ultimate laptop cooling pad - maybe... Unless a better idea comes along
Yes, that's a ground wire going to the hot sink... I couldn't figure out where to put it, but the original installation had the sink and ground connected to the chassis so I figure that might be a good place? The circuit board was isolated from the chassis on plastic stand offs.
Ideas Welcome