Originally Posted by cfg83
My *theory* is that VWs are more reliable in Europe because they have better access to parts.
I think you are right, but if you guys ever need help with maintanance, or tune, feel free to contact me, i have done a lot of diy for club vw golf in portugal and my tuning forum

even how to replace cv joints here):
You just need a hammer and simple tools with the right technic

, i even can change my engine with a regular tool box, some sticks and stones and a big machine)
, i can share all my work with you guys, with the right knowledge you will see that vw's are quite simple and you can find cheap part on ebay or from other vw's because they all use almost the same parts
Tuned VW Golf Mk4 Tdi, Euro spec!
AJM engine swaped by ASZ and many other goodies