two days ago we picked up my aunts trailer to pick up hay for our rabbits. It is maybe three feet wide and six feet long with two foot sides(all rotten plywood). I figured it would cut mileage to about 30.......NOT!!!!! more like 15-20 TOPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It took a QUARTER TANK to go to Chippewa Falls and back, about 60 miles round trip!!!!

I didn't realize how much a small sail can affect mileage

If i pull that thing again it won't have a front or sides....

The reason I didn't think it would change that much is because i can pull a friends STEEL 5x8ft road warrior and get 25-30. But it sits a lot closer to the back of the car(shorter toungue) so maybe it acts kind of like a boat tail???
If I build my own trailer it will be Heavilly aeromodded