Well, finals start in 170 hours. One of our finals is not cumulative, just everything from the mid-term. I retyped my notes into an essay and it was 13,000 words and 20 pages. She may put out a study guide, but she basically said "Know everything." I tried doing that for another class, which is cumulative, like the rest of them, but since the professor posts partial class notes that we are supposed to complete, but I did not have a notetaker for at least the first month, I was just trying to fill in those. That was a struggle and I ended up completely redoing my first study guide, spending Thanksgiving (with my girlfriend), Friday, and Saturday (Thanksgiving with my family) confused by my second study guide and then moving on to the more recent material.
The fun part is that after I made my first two study guides, other students made better ones. That professor will go over my study materials with me, but I really wonder if we will cover all of it, they total fifteen pages!
The other professor has not put out a study guide and if she does, I do not know that I would have time to complete it. I have 596 flashcards for my next test and he is not making a study guide, either. I am really hoping that by the time that I start preparing for my fourth final, someone else will post materials, because I do not have a notetaker for that class, and I always have difficulty finding material on my own.
Anyway, I just wanted to drop in and say that I realized that I need an Eye Drive:
For those of you who do not watch "Dr. Who," you are probably missing out. My girlfriend often asks if we can watch some more and I usually need to tell her "No, I need to not fail school." The eye drives allowed the wearer to access anything that they saw, which would help me remember my studies, and if Earth is ever invaded by aliens that disappear from your memory when you look away, then well, I would be prepared for that, too.