Update 9/29/2015- Signing Off
I'm signing off here for the thread. It's been a great year for me with this project, a time I will always treasure. 13 months, pages worth of thread updates, hundreds of labor hours and dollars, and nearly 90,000 views across two major car forums later, "Stage Two" as I came to refer to it, was completed on this VX. Stages Three and beyond are now the responsibility of the cars GREAT new owner. It was important to me to sell the OG VX to someone who appreciated the car, and who had the will-how to maintain the project and perhaps take it forward. I am happy to report that we have a new owner whom will do just that.
It was a bit surreal watching the VX pull out of my gravel driveway. As I reflect, I am blessed to have the support of the many members of the EcoModder.com forum. For, without this, I never would have made it this far with my project. I also appreciate the feedback and support of the Honda-Tech.com community. My whole premise to this build and threads was not to make the most fuel-efficient Honda. But, rather, to spread knowledge to the Honda tuning community of a
NEW platform/genre by which Honda enthusiasts can modify within. I wanted to build a Civic that looked great, was unique, and performed well within the eco genre. I believe I have accomplished that goal. Ecomodding and hypermiling isn't for everyone. But, I have found them both to be incredibly: fun, well received by the general public, financially rewarding, unique/different,
incredibly challenging, and all-around AWESOME.
I got to drive the OG VX for only about 15 hours worth of seat time after completing the final work on my Stage II goals. But the results were well worth the effort. I was driving with a HUGE smile on my face; people were (literally) leaning out of windows and/or stopping traffic to film me on the roadways; I witnessed a constant drone of people (all ages) swarming the car at it's first outing at Cars and Coffee in Charlotte; I achieved 72mpg highway/62 city summer averages, with minimal effort and absolutely no EOC work, nor engine-off at idles.
A final result was a sale so quick I could hardly keep up with the texts I was receiving. The VX sold on Sunday, just a few days after posting it on CL. I got an incredible response there. Even a few "Man, this things awesome, just wanted to let you know" types of messages from people.
I'm blessed by the sale, as it will help my family with other goals we have.
And finally, after 10 years of steady Honda modification, 5 all-out Honda projects completed, 2 Honda Tuning Magazine prints, and a bevy of build threads, I'm going to take a break for a while from auto customization and documentation. I intend to focus more on my relationship with the good Lord who has blessed me tremendously, my wife, my children, paying down some debt, and settling into our new home.
I bid you all adieu, and "OG ____ " will likely be back in the years to come with a new thread at a forum near you. As with all of us car-heads, my next project is already mapped out for when that time comes. This project will be a blast and it should really stretch me beyond my current comfort zone.
Until then...
YOU for
ecoTuning in!
Signing Off,
- Daniel T. (AKA: OG Wagon, OG RSX, OG CD7, and