He was coroplasting his whole vehicle again

Apparently, the stars, moon, and planets were in perfect alignment for the first gallon of tail v1.1.
Driving to the rally(almost normally in the interest of speed), dropped my mileage to 50mpg( still great for a 25mpg EPA car

I got 57.2 mpg on the course, second again to blownb310(77mpg again). I did have one of NY's finest decide to follow me for about 10 miles before making a u turn in the middle of the road to go back the way we had just come. I kept my speed to within 5mph of psl so he wouldn't think I was drunk( varying speed being the dead giveaway for driving under the influence). Real world course, real world challenges.
I haven't checked mileage from the return trip, as I was more concerned with sleeping. Late nights getting ready and 600 miles in a day really took it out of me. 12 hours of sleep and I feel like a hundred bucks

Temps for the day hovered in the upper 40's and rained periodically. All in all, I think the tail has given a much easier pull for the engine, acceleration is easier at highway speeds and coasting is also greatly improved. On my commute, it is allowing me to coast to the next hill beyond my previous ones.
Pics of the current status of the tail will have to wait as the borrowed camera I have isn't compatible with the cords or memory card slots that I have( unless Mike wants to post a couple here).