I hit 220,000 miles in my Accord and tried to not worry about the transmission going out in my Prelude at 220,000 miles and the head gasket in my Civic going out at the same mileage.
My transmission started slipping and I got a CEL when I was trying to leave Phoenix after visiting my girlfriend.
P0740: Torque Converter Clutch Circuit Malfunction
I went to a transmission shop the first thing in the morning and you know how mechanics always say "Don't just have AutoZone read the code and throw parts at it, have an actual technician diagnose it and properly fix it!"?
Every actual technician I get throws parts at it based on the code, except for Mom's mechanic, who told me that I needed a new engine based on... no, I have no idea. He never looked at it!
So, the guy at the transmission shop read the code and gave me an estimate for $1,800.
What a coincidence! That is what my car would be worth with a rebuilt transmission!
It took me a couple of days, but this 2004 Camry LE was the first decent car that I could get. The blue book in Fair condition was $2,950 and $3,467 for Good. I paid $3,200.
Hopefully these pictures don't disappear. My browser crashed or something once I uploaded the images, but I still had the upload window open, and the links are currently working.
[edit: They stopped working!]
The hood, roof, and trunk are faded. Mom keeps telling me to paint it. No, not personally, she wants me to pay someone, and refuses to accept that would cost more than the car itself.
I don't know what is going on, I started adding captions, but even though they were between the pictures, the site put them all together!

The hubcap are much less scuffed up!

The back bumper looks much nicer than Mom's!

Did someone hit this with a hammer? Whatever damaged this looked perfectly round and level!

It looks better when you can't see the hood, roof, or top of the trunk well!

There are hardly any scratches on this side!

This corner is scuffed, but not too badly!

How do I remove Armor All? Doesn't that slime attract dirt?!

Oh no! There is no possible explanation except this radiator leaking, even though I drove 165 miles uphill without this spot getting worse!

Is that timing chain juice? Is this area going to be black in a week or two?

This is the allegedly-leaking timing chain cover.

You need to be this far away for the tint to look okay.

I didn't realize the tint would bother me until I rolled down the window. That noise has to go!

How hard is it to cut tint as wide as the window?

They missed a spot!

I think they missed this, too!

Did Mom's cupholder once look like this?!

I think they changed the instrument cluster with the mid-generation refresh. This looks dated!

I just wrap Gorilla Tape around this?

Mom hasn't been able to use her cupholders in 15 years and I keep thinking "Must be cleaner!"

I guess there is supposed to be more to my cupholder. Can I order a new visor mirror cover, or do I just protect it with Gorilla Tape?

Secret charger!

Mom's car doesn't have a tape deck!

The only thing the previous owner left behind was this first aid tape.

I keep wondering if the mechanic left this greasy footprint. I happen to have experience cleaning Camry floormats. Mom tells me to get some clear ones from AutoZone, like hers, which turned brown over a decade ago. My Accord has black rubber ones, which are still black.

I feel like they could have done a better job here.

Who puts a blind spot mirror on the inside? How easily will that come off?

These are for cell phone mounts, right? These are designed to never come off, right?

What is this thing sticking out of the base of the driver's seat?


Missed it by that much!

Well, I am going to go ahead and post this before anything else happens.