Originally Posted by MetroMPG
Congrats, Rick! Nice to see you managed to bag one.
(Special request: please don't call it a "HI-2".  Some sites are maddening in their use of acronyms that make it hard for newbies coming fresh to the world of high effciency cars & mods to ease into new knowledge. Why add more TLA hurdles?)
Happy to see another hybrid join the fleet. Envious even! Looking forward to following your progress with it.
Thanks! (and request granted) It was a lazy shortcut on my part (and ends up making it harder to find in a search, as I've learned). I shall further call it "The Second Generation, Two-Thousand Ten, Honda Insight 5-Door"

...or next gen Insight.
...and not to worry, Teggy will continue with more aggressive modification and is planned for many of the 104-mile roundtrip airport runs (and long, dusty parking durations).
As far as mods for the Insight, once Winter goes away, the tires will be maxed on pressure -- otherwise, I need to monitor engine parameters for how it handles higher temps (read: grille block, warm air intake, etc.) Probably not a lot until the 3/36 is up on the warranty). The dual ignition may benefit from higher octane with higher temps, but it's only a theory. There is some "Atkinsonization " under certain loads, so I'm sure it has a host of sensors to prevent excessive knock or too-lean-burn. I may see what Prius owners have done and adapt...