Originally Posted by cfg83
RH77 -
I am going to hurt your feelings. I can't tell you have an Insight II from your avatar. Can you change it to maybe a front view of the Insight, or maybe the instrument cluster in ALL GREEN LEAFY mode?
It was a quicky update, maybe the new avatar is better?
The instrument cluster is pretty neat, but only has one "green leaf", so to speak, when the "ECO-Assist" is on (the Ford Fusion takes the prize for green overgrowth)
It grows little gray leafs in one instrument view, as you continue to drive efficiently. There are little trophies for major milestones, etc.
One beef with the design -- you can't view 2 functions at once -- for example, the instant/average MPG and the IMA monitor (arrows indicating the engine's current function, battery charge / deplete, or "EV" mode) -- cannot be viewed at the same time. It's a minor fix that the SG can provide, once I find a good spot for it (also the port is currently occupied, while collecting OBD-II data).
Here's the factory view of the instrument cluster:
I really like the tach-centric design and separate speedo. No temp gauge though
I had a ~75 mile mixed run in rush hour yesterday and averaged 50 MPG for the trip. There is some definite potential to be tapped here. On the next tank, I plan to really milk the mileage (but still breaking it in on this tank)
Once the road spray goes away (and the sun returns), I can get a car wash and try for some decent photos.