Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
WE have maxed out the US credit card, most of it was on the Democrats watch, so spare me the hypocrisy of trying to blame the Republicans, as that act renders your point as worthless.
Citation sorely needed.
With the exception of the past two years, when we've been mired in the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression, a collapse which, incidentally, started six years into a Republican's watch, it's been Reagan and two Bushes that have spent like drunken frat boys with dad's credit card.
Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
You know like Obama is still blaming Bush for all the problems, even those created by the democratic controlled congress after 06.
Yeah, because Bush and his Republican Congress didn't put us into two extremely expensive and unwinnable wars, let Greenspan run roughshod over the markets, and then conveniently blame the incoming Democrats before the seats had even warmed up.
BTW, remember TARP? And the auto industry bailout? And the buy-a-huge-truck-and-get-it-practically-tax-free program? And Afghanistan? And Iraq? Those were Bush-era programs.
Bush vetoed twelve whole bills in eight years. Twelve. That's not the sign of somebody fighting for fiscal conservatism.