View Poll Results: Should Scott walker and the legislature give up their pensions and health benefits?
Yes I think he and the legislature should volutarily give up all pay this year
7 |
26.92% |
Yes I think the legislature should at least match the cuts and limits proposed to teachers
12 |
46.15% |
Yes the 15% cuts and pension cuts should be across the board
8 |
30.77% |
No he is too important
4 |
15.38% |
02-23-2011, 03:16 AM
#31 (permalink)
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can't anybody think/google.....
Originally Posted by Odin
I love looking at this
From everything (HOW DO YOU DEFINE "EVERYTHING"........because I found the article below in about 30 seconds.......)I have read on the subject Wisconsin had a balanced budget at the start of the year, their gov went and gave massive tax cuts to every company he promised to in the election. Now they are broke. Instead of listening to the people who are VERY willing to take massive cuts he is being a dumb ass and just wants to destroy (DID YOU READ THIS TOO........)the unions. He is unwilling to listen because he doesn't care about anyone but those who have money to fund his election.
Well, let's not be calling the kettle black Mr "pot".......
So I read what you wrote and thought....WOW, that is an effective govenor....
1. Repub gov gets elected in the home of unionizem.
2. gets enough other repubs elected in the legislature.
3. that he can run ruffshoud of those pesky little minority voters.
4. Alll that in 2 months.
Not so fast.....seems the special session for tax breaks that WAS PASSED BY THE LEGISLATURE!!!!!!!! NOT THE GOV!!!!!!!! was for the fisical yr 2013!!!!!!!
From article by Ezra Klein,
he had to do a pesky little retraction.
Update: I've been persuaded that the surplus-to-deficit picture is more complicated that I initially understood.(DUHHHHH) The budget report is working with two time periods simultaneously: 2010-2011, and then 2011-13. The $130 million deficit now projected for 2011 isn't the fault of the tax breaks passed during Walker's special session, though his special session created about $120 million in deficit spending between 2011 and 2013 -- and perhaps more than that, if his policies are extended. That is to say, the deficit spending he created in his special session is about equal to the deficit Wisconsin faces this year, but it's not technically correct to say that Walker created 2011's deficit. Rather, he added $120 million to the 2011-2013 deficits, and perhaps more in the years after that.
Oh I see.....there REALLY WAS A DEFICIT BEFORE the repub gov got in office.
don't you hate when the facts get in the way of a great story........
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02-23-2011, 04:27 AM
#32 (permalink)
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you hacked up that quote pretty well any who
Originally Posted by Odin
From everything I have read on the subject Wisconsin had a balanced budget at the start of the year, their gov went and gave massive tax cuts to every company he promised to in the election. Now they are broke. Instead of listening to the people who are VERY willing to take massive cuts he is being a dumb ass and just wants to destroy the unions. He is unwilling to listen because he doesn't care about anyone but those who have money to fund his election.
lol there is a difference, your first clue should have been the first line "from everything i have read" you have no idea how much or how little I have read haha but from what you said i just didn't read deep enough and that things are a little more complex, Yes he did not create the 130 million dollar deficit but adding 120 mill over the next two years is not the wisest of ideas.
I still think he is a union hating ass hole. 
02-23-2011, 11:00 AM
#33 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
Since when has management (administrators) ever been unionized? Only in wishful dreams and imaginative minds.
Apparently you have no knowledge of what life is like is states other than yours. Here in NY, school administrators have their own union. So do custodians.
I know you'd rather not believe anything I say, so click here.
Last edited by Thymeclock; 02-23-2011 at 11:12 AM..
02-23-2011, 11:08 AM
#34 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by SentraSE-R
This partisan rationalizing ignores the fact that school buses are exempt from federal emissions standards because they're lumped with all vehicles with GVW >8500 lbs, not because they're one of someone's convenient green or civil rights scapegoat targets.
That's not the point. Every time I'm following a school bus I have to put my ventilation on recirculate because the fumes are so bad.
The same people who claim to want a cleaner environment and supposedly care so much about their children put them on buses that pollute and literally stink. If adults (except the driver, who is undoubtedly also unionized and highly paid, and therefore not about to complain) were subjected to riding on the same buses, they might not tolerate it.
02-23-2011, 01:03 PM
#35 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by mcrews
hummmmm, where to begin:
TODAY, the national debt is $14Trillion. tell me how your math works??????
roflwaffle said: "cut defense spending by measly $200 billion/year the national debt would be pretty much nothing. " what are you smoking???
that's not even the interest payment on the debt!!!!! HELLO!
You should begin with basic math. $200 billion/year for 60 years is $12 trillion bucks. Tack on interest and we're well over $14 trillion. The interest starts small, but by the time we hit $10 trillion we're paying another $500 billion/year in interest payments at 5%, which is $5 trillion more over a decade.
Originally Posted by mcrews
THe Total (including the war funding)Defense Budget is $689.8Billion for 2010. 3/4 the size of the stimulus bill.
THe TOTAL (10 years of the two wars) is $1 Trillion. Obamacare which is underfunded by $ 2-3trillion, is $1 trillion
THe budget for Medicare/medicaid/Social security is $1.494 Trillion
$400 billion to $700 billion for 60 years is $24 trillion to $42 trillion, on defense spending. At least with medicare/medicaid/social security we can show that we're caring for people and keeping the elderly out of extreme poverty, but the only thing we have to show for decades of out of control military spending after WWII are a lot of casualties and a lot of well off defense contractors.
02-23-2011, 05:03 PM
#36 (permalink)
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This partisan rationalizing ignores the fact that school buses are exempt from federal emissions standards because they're lumped with all vehicles with GVW >8500 lbs, not because they're one of someone's convenient green or civil rights scapegoat targets.
Well... it wasn't partisan at first anyway...
Heh heh... check this out
02-23-2011, 06:08 PM
#37 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee
School funding shouldn't be linked to property holdings; it should be linked to how many kids you have, proportionally.
There are plenty of strange and expensive things going on in schools now, that weren't when I was in school eons ago. For instance, I notice school buses in my town from several other towns 30 miles away, every day, not for sporting or other special events either. We are trucking kids out of their home districts, into others. Why? I would like to see the bussing statistics- how many miles busses put on in, say, 1975 vs today, and why?
That was actually a big republican push around here where you could choose whatever school you wanted whether you were in the district or not, BS I say.
Another irritating trend is that schools strongly work against walking or biking into school over safety and the fact they don't want to pay a crossing guard $8 an hour, in fact the buses are required to pick kids up directly across from the school which is asinine. When I was in school which really wasn't even that long ago, if you lived under a specific distance you had to walk in and obviously if you wanted to ride your bike in, so long as you weren't late no one would brow beat you and your parents over it.
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02-23-2011, 06:25 PM
#38 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
WE have maxed out the US credit card, most of it was on the Democrats watch, so spare me the hypocrisy of trying to blame the Republicans, as that act renders your point as worthless.
Citation sorely needed.
With the exception of the past two years, when we've been mired in the greatest financial collapse since the Great Depression, a collapse which, incidentally, started six years into a Republican's watch, it's been Reagan and two Bushes that have spent like drunken frat boys with dad's credit card.
Originally Posted by Old Mechanic
You know like Obama is still blaming Bush for all the problems, even those created by the democratic controlled congress after 06.
Yeah, because Bush and his Republican Congress didn't put us into two extremely expensive and unwinnable wars, let Greenspan run roughshod over the markets, and then conveniently blame the incoming Democrats before the seats had even warmed up.
BTW, remember TARP? And the auto industry bailout? And the buy-a-huge-truck-and-get-it-practically-tax-free program? And Afghanistan? And Iraq? Those were Bush-era programs.
Bush vetoed twelve whole bills in eight years. Twelve. That's not the sign of somebody fighting for fiscal conservatism.
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02-23-2011, 08:02 PM
#39 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Frank Lee
Yes, that plants Walker firmly into the union-busting camp, and strips his claims of budget justification to shreds. People like the Kochs and Walker won't be happy until everyone is working at minimum wage, or less, without union rights, for them. Of course, that's just my worthless opinion, but reading what Walker said, substantiates my opinion greatly.
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02-23-2011, 08:36 PM
#40 (permalink)
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The comment was about busses.