Originally Posted by bbjsw10
A engine-braking situation normally shuts off the injectors on its own, "Deceleration Fuel Cutoff" leaving key on and coasting down that hill in 5th or 4th would kill injectors. I could be wrong but I know most fuel injected cars do this. Mine does and it is a 91 Metro I am sure a Honda would be the same a little more advanced than my car is.
My only problem is that a) there are some times when I coast in neutral down this hill, and b) there are a few times where the car slows enough that I think the injectors are starting to kick in again, and c) the main relay is a weak point in this car, and I don't want to overstress it or my ECU by constantly turning the key on and off.
With the key off on today's experiment, I was able to go all the way down the 17.1 mile hill, shifting easily from neutral to 5th, and with instant smooth power delivery by turning the keyswitch back on for the 4 seconds I needed to accelerate over the one short uphill about halfway down. And of course, with the car in fifth, when I turned the key back on, it instantly came back to life without so much as a hiccup.