Drill Our Way Out!
Just been watching a little bit more politics on the television.
I am constantly amazed at how many people think that the biggest problem in America is just that we aren't drilling enough oil.
Over and over, we are hearing about just drilling more and "energy independence" in the same sentence.
The problem isn't oil. And it isn't that we aren't drilling enough. The problem is our culture - how we view fossil fuel use, and how dependent we have become on it.
There really isn't a shortage. I can buy all the gasoline I want. I just don't like the price of it. But just because I don't like the price of it, doesn't mean we should throw wars, have bad foreign policy, and cause ecological problems.
Somehow, the way everyone is talking about drilling, sounds like an alcoholic saying that being out of liquor is the problem.
Isn't it time that we take a new look at how we live our lives, rather than just going at everything the same, only "faster, harder, deeper"
You can't drill yourself out of a hole!