Originally Posted by freebeard
Perhaps BZP can say how much wood he's replaced all ready.
I think it's Okay for roof racks and woody bodies, but underneath a vehicle the environment is not so kind. Wood absorbs water, and it crushes under the fasteners and gets sloppy.
Agreed aluminum is lighter. For sheeting, I like Polymetal and 1/8" ABS sheet.
Since most of my projects have started out with wood, it only made sense to move to a more durable material once I was able to prove my design was going to work fer my needs. The first place to replace the wood parts was with the supports fer my dropped belly pan. Now it's time to move on to the aero cap. Eventually, Dark Aero will git the metal treatment as well!
I would love to afford everything in aluminum but my design isn't at a final stage to move to that just yet. Polymetal is still out of my price range compared to the other lower cost materials available in my area.