Originally Posted by Piotrsko
Heat affects polyester cure. Needs to be really warm and held flat for a week or so to expedite cure.
Yes, I have been reading about that online. Some people say even as much as 30 days. I want to take back a little bit what I said about warping yesterday. Before driving this morning I went out to take a good a closer look at it, and although it has deformed it's quite slide this time, unlike that first morning after I had made it tonight before. I believe that's probably because of the heat curing I had done in the last few days. I left it waited flat out in the bright California Sun for several days, and I don't want evening I went out there with a heat gun to reinforce that heat to get it up pass the temperature is it would have been experiencing from the Sun, and then left it waited overnight and another day flat. There's no doubt about it... it has not warped as much this time as it did last time.