Scan Gauge: Help ME!!!!
Hey guys,
Got my scan gauge the other day. The plan was to always use it in my S10 in general, and transport it to my wifes 2000 Sunfire for trip use.
I am trying to make it work with the S10 and it just plain won't.
It is a '95 with the OBD2 jack. Scan Gauges list of compatible vehicles shows the v6 version of this truck as being compatible. Mine is the 4 cylinder.
When I hook it up, I just get the CONNECTING to run for 30 seconds or so, then the color of the LCD flashes real quick and it just says CONNECTING again.
I tried "forcing" a code as the troubleshooting section of the manual shows, but no luck.
Anything I am missing here? Any way to make it work with this truck!?!?!
Please help, already spent my $150...