Originally Posted by NoCO2
So, ok, this looks interesting. Is this something that's pretty straight forward to install yourself though? I'm ok with automotive mechanics (I like my bicycle). But when it comes to installing new things, I'm hesitant. If I was to get a mechanic to do it, how much would they likely charge to install it? If it's super expensive, for less than $30 that I found one on JC Whitney, I'm willing to risk getting it to install myself, but, if it's cheap to install it professionally, I would be more at ease with myself
Very easy. The hardest part is finding the grommet to poke the line through the firewall. See my 10 minute install here:
BTW, mine came with clear hose. That hose has since collapsed. (It appears to be reading accurately, but it tends to "stick" for a couple of seconds sometimes.) If you have the same clear tubing, take it to the auto parts store and have them cut you some "real" vacuum hose of the same length and inner diameter. I think it's less than a buck a foot.