Cool! Those supercapacitor packs are about 20 X 10 X 9 inches. I knew Maxwell had some big caps, but didn't know about the packs. Can be strung together to 600 volts.
That diesel genset is pretty nice, too! $10K isn't a bad price for what they'll do.
Some quick figuring, with 4 X 8 (32) caps in each pack, puts the pack somewhere in the $3000 range, with four packs at $12K. Wild Guess there, from prices seen for individual caps.
At 75 volts and 50 amps, or 3750 Watts (continuous), a pack would only run about 53 seconds before exhausting - unless you have a pretty small load. Four in parallel for 75 volts and 200 amps would still only run 53 seconds at the 200 amps, so the genset would have to be running fairly continuously. I'm not sure 200 amps is enough to pull even a tadpole up to any decent speed, but the caps can handle 3X continuous for 5 seconds. That would kill discharge time quickly, and I'm not sure that 4 packs would really " all the power I need." I'd guess a 6 X 12V battery pack would still be needed for the higher demand and less-than-instantaneous charges and discharges, but that's a whole lot better than carrying around 20 to 30 batteries!
Oh, whitewiz, caps pretty well have a discharge time of seconds no matter what - again, unless you have a mighty small load. They don't do the "sending" of any surge, and no array would make any difference. The load put on them determines discharge, and a person would have to be careful to limit continuous amperage at the controller, or they could indeed blow - not anything worthy of a mushroom cloud, unless you're talking "down the street" cloud versus "next town over" cloud.
Also, the only way to recharge a zinc-air battery is to replace its guts (okay, "zinc electrolyte paste"), so they're not really feasible to use without some type of "refueling station".
ANYway... Running biodiesel in the genset, and with that setup, would still keep you from supporting any terrorists, and would be a cool way to get around, for sure!
AND, it could still be done for about the same price as a lithium pack at OUR today's prices... and have more range...