I know the standard size is a 16x2 LCD, and that's great. Would it be easy to just swap to something like a 20x4 LCD, without any major software rewrite on my part, or would it take a lot of changes?
Secondly, would it be possible to use the "Big Number" instant MPG readout on a second "remote display?" I'd love to have my screen up front, and a BIG one in the back window that other drivers could see. Even if it was just a clone of whatever was being displayed for the driver it would be neat.
I'm not the best code monkey out there (I'm a computer/electronics hardware technician, not a programmer), but I have a little bit of coding experience and I'm not afraid to get dirty.
Thanks for any insight you can provide!

I'm hoping to be able to get to 35 MPG with this beast....