Slightly OT - fly this thread to Cuba

Cars in films about the future always seem a let down - that slightly disguised Probe above for example. Its like the film studios spend fortunes on actors who can't act and special effects and then the basic props get as little spend as possible.
The Judge Dredd movie of 1995 had these rather neat looking vehicles in them - although not part of the action much.
which are based on this stallwart of the Brit army
but the rest of the movie was appalling - utter utter carp. You would think that with a new movie in the works they would try and make it more authentic to the original comic (which was enjoyed by me as a kid anyway). But now according to the new movie, the Judges protecting the law in Mega City One will be driving in
naff matt black pickups.
Its like they can't be bothered. Anyway moan over - as you were

This project is looking neat.