04-06-2012, 07:17 PM
#11 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Cd
These guys feel the need to down people here because they see you doing things that actually work and even save money, yet their ego won't allow them to join in.
They try to release their frustration through insults.
Same idea as when you see some kid in school with a girl that you like.
Human nature is to try and insult ( or even fight ) the threat.
Why would you bash anyone who is just trying to save money in times like these? I paid $3.66 per gallon today (i know its low compared to US average) and these guys' logic is that its dumb to want to save money on gas. What I think is great about this community is the diversity. You have people that drive hybrids, EV's, regular sedans, even trucks and RV's. You have people that want to save money, people that want to save the environment, and then there is people that just like the thrill of seeing how high of MPG they can get. If they are a hater, its their loss.
Other popular topics in this forum...
04-06-2012, 07:50 PM
#12 (permalink)
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Now let me see if I want high performance what do I do? I go to the performance shop buy a bunch of stuff [for upward of $20,000] that some one else developed to sell to the masses. Take it all home and bolt it onto my car/truck, take it out onto the street and get more speeding and stunting tickets, or even get my vehicle impounded, if I don't kill beforehand! gee arn't I good?
Now if I spend upwards of $20,000 on ecomodding what do I do? I develop and build a bunch of stuff and bolt it on to my car for better aero, better engine and drivetrain efficiance... save about $10,000 of the original $20,000, which I can now spend on fuel for the next 5 or 10 years. and If I really really really want to, I can still get a wapper of a speeding ticket! 
04-06-2012, 08:14 PM
#13 (permalink)
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Frank -
Originally Posted by Frank Lee
There is a surprisingly large segment of people who regularly practice "anti-logic" a.k.a. willful ignorance and as astonishing as it is, they go to great lengths to trumpet their ignorance to as many as they can rather than hide it in shame as they ought to.
Sounds like cognitive dissonance to me :
Cognitive dissonance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cognitive dissonance is a discomfort caused by holding conflicting cognitions (e.g., ideas, beliefs, values, emotional reactions) simultaneously. In a state of dissonance, people may feel surprise, dread, guilt, anger, or embarrassment. The theory of cognitive dissonance in social psychology proposes that people have a motivational drive to reduce dissonance by altering existing cognitions or adding new ones to create a consistent belief system. An example of this would be the conflict between wanting to smoke and knowing that smoking is unhealthy; a person may try to change their feelings about the odds that they will actually suffer the consequences, or they might add the consonant element that the smoking is worth short term benefits. A general view of cognitive dissonance is when one is biased towards a certain decision even though other factors, such as environmental factors, favour another alternative.
04-06-2012, 08:21 PM
#14 (permalink)
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I would just consider it a compliment Metro. In the 8th grade I was a tiny fellow. A fellow class member who had flunked two grades decided to make me his punching bag. I finally started thanking him for hitting me, and I guess that and the objections of others finally induced him to stop.
A few years later when I was 6 feet tall and had been doing hard manual labor for 4 years, and could dead lift close to 500 pounds and total loss your car with my bare hands, I ran into him working at a gas station. I walked up to him (he didn't recognise me) and gave him a nice sharp charlie horse in the bicep, just like he had done to me many times.
When he realized who I was he just about peed his pants running away from me.
04-06-2012, 09:00 PM
#15 (permalink)
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they are simply scared and who can blame them our way of life is threatened more and more with every rise in energy costs. Hopefully their anger is short lived and their skills are transferable.
04-06-2012, 09:11 PM
#16 (permalink)
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That guy or those guys are probably living in their parents basement because they keep wasting money on their 15mpg cars to make them look better. Wait till they get their own place and start paying bills, once that happens they will hapily take $20 a week of saved fuel.
04-06-2012, 09:27 PM
#17 (permalink)
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Haters hate because they want what you have but are to stupid to know it. For example : a filthy rich man with family money a fancy car and a pin up girlfriend. Don't you hate him already!
Save gas
Ride a Mtn bike for errands exercise entertainment and outright fun
04-06-2012, 09:33 PM
#18 (permalink)
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You should make a locked sticky and post them up when you get them. The rest of us would like a good laugh. In this thread the contact us and hater posts can go in it. Call it "The Hall of Flame"
Don't really care about a filthy rich man with family money a fancy car. I just want 5 minutes with his pin up girlfriend.
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04-06-2012, 09:47 PM
#19 (permalink)
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The world is changing . . and the tinier and tinier box occupied by the functionally illiterate (including most college graduates now) is getting scarier. Nothing on FOX or Drudge or HuffPo or the Nation, much less joke sites like Reddit fits together any longer. Daniel Yergin or Bill McKibben . . . the serious flaws in reasoning mean a coherence in thinking is missing. Even the ones who never had these tools -- much less lived in a milieu where they were cultivated -- are "getting it" that what is wrong is deeply wrong. World-view wrong.
Lashing out is bad manners for some. It's "being honest" for others (even if they don't really know how) yet is a relief in some way.
Call it the Tourette's Syndrome variation in the madness of crowds. Some are simply better at hiding it than others (they're the ones who can "afford" new cars). The [ghetto speak] "haters" can't. Not really. But they signed the note anyway.
04-07-2012, 07:42 AM
#20 (permalink)
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What!!    Are you saying there are stupid, ignorant, rude people roaming free out on internet forums?! I'm shocked, shocked! Alert the masses!
Diesel Dave
My version of energy storage is called "momentum".
My version of regenerative braking is called "bump starting".
1 Year Avg (Every Mile Traveled) = 47.8 mpg
BEST TANK: 2,009.6 mi on 35 gal (57.42 mpg): http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...5-a-26259.html
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