During the gas price run-up in 2008, more than a few people felt the sudden need to communicate their hate for ecomodding and/or hypermiling on this forum.
We used to get people signing up specifically to tell us things like:
"HAHAHA MY [insert overpowered car/truck model here] GETS 9 MPG YOU GUYZ CAN SUCK IT! STOOPID MODS!! YOU'RE CARS ARE REDICULUS!"
(Comments often included a general questioning of the masculinity of any persion who would be interested in efficiency.)
The haters sometimes even went back to their favourite [
insert overpowered car/truck model here] forum to post a link back to their post on EcoModder so they could share their hilarious "putting-ecomodders-in-their-place conquest" with their comrades.
Funny thing is, when the recession hit and fuel prices plummeted,
these guys disappeared. The apparent need to provoke the efficiency enthusiasts evaporated!
Well.... they're baaaack...
Received today via the EcoModder "Contact Us" form:
Your mods are absolutely ridiculous.
From what I have just read I should be getting 100 percent fuel efficiency. Yes aerodynamics can help, by a small margin, but you are missing the point. In all the money you would spend on a combination of engine and aerodynamic upgrades. It could only go so far. No matter how aerodynamic a car is, the engine still has to power it, the flywheel has to spin, transmission turn, differential turn. The most drag comes from those points, as well as the efficiency.
Lets see someone spend upwards of 20 000$ just to make a car more fuel efficient? Wait a minute wont that be more than the cost of fuel they would have to use for the lifespan of their car if they didn't mod it at all?
For $20 000 I would take my 1986 300x to performance, and buy a fuel efficient crotchrocket that would still be faster, or a econo box. Why waste the fun in life for a worry of gasoline prices! Jesus have fun, live hard, love fast, die young.
(That's actually the second one I've had lately - deleted the first one without thinking much about it.)
What is it about high fuel prices that brings these guys out of the woodwork?
I will admit I have absolutely zero desire to join a yarn bombing group. But I never find myself driven by a burning need to contact yarn bombers to tell them exactly why I will not be doing the things they seem to be interested in doing.
---> Hater t-shirt image from:
DGK If You Got Haters Shirt (White) : A2B Board Shop