Hey Everybody, thanks for your support!
I know that so many of you are really into Solar Power and other renewable energy, and we wanted to see about getting a little something out to you guys.
My friend, Josh, and I have been doing a lot of work creating a neat solar energy product. When we aren't doing that, we are at a lot of teaching conferences, renewable energy fairs, and educational events, promoting renewable energy and getting kids to learn all about it.
Any profits from the projects all go right back into getting info and inspiration out there!
What would really help us is if you can help spread the Solar Panel Kickstarter Campaign on your social networks! If you can share the link
On Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and whatever else you are on, we would love it. Like, Share, Friend, Tweet, just help get the word out there. (It may also help you win the solar panel.... hint hint....)
We are real people, in the real world, trying both to do good and squeak by a living as well.
For your entertainment, here's some solar panel testing we did with a bowling ball.
We also did a little experimenting on solar panels with shotguns....
Enjoy, and please help spread the word.