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Search: Posts Made By: euromodder
Forum: Aerodynamics 08-21-2021, 07:00 AM
Replies: 23
Views: 4,820
Posted By euromodder
Is the lower part of the suspension a lot below...

Is the lower part of the suspension a lot below the air dam ?

Ideal would be to lower the airdam further to where the belly pan could be , and sideskirts down to belly pan level

You'd scoop...
Forum: Aerodynamics 08-20-2021, 12:35 PM
Replies: 97
Views: 7,773
Posted By euromodder
Sure does Around 65-70 is where you'd usually...

Sure does
Around 65-70 is where you'd usually really start to take a rather obvious hit on a "normal" (ie really non-streamlined) vehicle

What do you call on the short side ?
In the US, axles...
Forum: Success Stories 08-20-2021, 10:59 AM
Replies: 2
Views: 1,501
Posted By euromodder
Question Insight 1gen @ Speedweek Impound

So, who's been at Speedweek and managed to get their first gen Insight in the Impound lot (= potential new record, right ? ) :eek:

Forum: EcoModding Central 08-08-2021, 04:50 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,482
Posted By euromodder
If the fairly road-oriented stock Gladiator tyres...

If the fairly road-oriented stock Gladiator tyres don't do it, you're going to take multiple hits in fuel efficiency anyway ...

Bigger tyre (even with same rim size) and more mud or offroad...
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 11-23-2019, 12:36 PM
Replies: 44
Views: 4,705
Posted By euromodder
Oh, when the tow bar is not level, you see that...

Oh, when the tow bar is not level, you see that F is always greater (longer) than Fx (the actual force required to pull your towed vehicle at that speed)

But your engine will need power to...
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 11-23-2019, 12:31 PM
Replies: 44
Views: 4,705
Posted By euromodder
It tries to lift the rear while pulling. Thus...

It tries to lift the rear while pulling.
Thus making your tow car feel skittish, as if the rear wheels weren't on it ... sound familiar ? ;)

Do you remember vectors from math lessons ?
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-23-2019, 11:23 AM
Replies: 17
Views: 1,604
Posted By euromodder
Put the wall on its side :D

Put the wall on its side :D
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-23-2019, 11:22 AM
Replies: 11
Views: 3,185
Posted By euromodder
Essentially returning to control mechanisms for...

Essentially returning to control mechanisms for aircraft that predate the Wright Bros (and were used by them as well) :
Change the wing shape, rather than using separate "control surfaces"
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 11-23-2019, 10:39 AM
Replies: 44
Views: 4,705
Posted By euromodder
If the tow bar angles down, it'll push down the...

If the tow bar angles down, it'll push down the tow hook under braking, which then lifts the front, reducing braking ability ...
Forum: Off-Topic Tech 11-23-2019, 10:30 AM
Replies: 44
Views: 4,705
Posted By euromodder
Very common in the US In Europe, only in the...

Very common in the US

In Europe, only in the UK

Isn't even legal in many EU countries
Towing a functional car is not legal in Belgium, and it needs a driver ...
Forum: Hypermiling / EcoDriver's Ed 11-10-2019, 03:19 PM
Replies: 29
Views: 3,808
Posted By euromodder
Been studied, so yes, music influences the way...

Been studied, so yes, music influences the way you drive

Though maybe it's often the other way around
Many people will chose the music depending on their own mood
Thus reshaping how they drive
Forum: The Lounge 11-10-2019, 03:11 PM
Replies: 87
Views: 7,198
Posted By euromodder
In the EU, the S-content in diesel is 10 mg/kg ...

In the EU, the S-content in diesel is 10 mg/kg

That's 10mg / 1.000.000 mg

0,5% of 1.000.000 would be 5.000 mg/kg of fuel

That new norm would still be 500x worse than regular diesel !

Forum: Fossil Fuel Free 11-10-2019, 02:59 PM
Replies: 109
Views: 9,154
Posted By euromodder
Then they're a candidate for electrification ...

Then they're a candidate for electrification
But the price is horrendous and the choice pretty limited when buying new E-vans and E-lighttrucks

VW E-Crafter starts @ 84000€ VAT included
Forum: The Lounge 11-09-2019, 08:00 PM
Replies: 8,747
Views: 758,444
Posted By euromodder
Hard scientific facts I'm afraid ...

Hard scientific facts I'm afraid

Over here, Belgium/Netherlands, the land is subsiding as Northern Scandinavia is being lifted - bouncing back up after losing the weight of its ice-cap.
Forum: The Lounge 11-09-2019, 01:31 PM
Replies: 8,747
Views: 758,444
Posted By euromodder
Our Belgian North Sea coast was straightened and...

Our Belgian North Sea coast was straightened and impoldered in the early Middle Ages
(even the English term comes from our "inpolderen")
Islands in front of and along today's coast, have gone,...
Forum: The Unicorn Corral 11-08-2019, 01:31 PM
Replies: 10
Views: 7,477
Posted By euromodder
Jeez, they still make entire Bulli's It'd...

Jeez, they still make entire Bulli's

It'd be a struggle of epic proportions to get these on the road here

EV conversions are very rare , often taking a detour outside Belgium, then being...
Forum: The Lounge 11-08-2019, 12:57 PM
Replies: 8,747
Views: 758,444
Posted By euromodder
Last interglacial period, the waters rose some 6m...

Last interglacial period, the waters rose some 6m higher than now in Belgium

Where I live, was flooded back then
Shark teeth have been found here
As well as a complete mammoth skeleton from the...
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-08-2019, 07:49 AM
Replies: 12
Views: 2,006
Posted By euromodder
Doesn't look really flat, freebeard :D

Doesn't look really flat, freebeard :D
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-07-2019, 02:04 PM
Replies: 4,276
Views: 1,420,098
Posted By euromodder
At getting impounded if they ever tow it to the...

At getting impounded if they ever tow it to the EU ...
Reflective vehicles are seen as a road danger here :rolleyes:
Forum: Introductions 11-07-2019, 01:53 PM
Replies: 33
Views: 6,068
Posted By euromodder
At that fairly high mileage, it might work out ...

At that fairly high mileage, it might work out

Remember you'll need a fair bit of LPG to replace 1L of diesel

AGS LPG en CNG-installaties AGS DieselMix AGS DieselBlend AGS Diesel+LPG AGS...
Forum: Hypermiling / EcoDriver's Ed 11-07-2019, 12:14 PM
Replies: 25
Views: 5,887
Posted By euromodder
Ethanol content and quality will affect MPG ...

Ethanol content and quality will affect MPG

The expensive premium grades that some companies like to advertise - like Shell's V-power - have been tested here in Belgium, and while they actually do...
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-05-2019, 05:30 PM
Replies: 4,276
Views: 1,420,098
Posted By euromodder
There's ... ahum ...3 H2 filling stations in...

There's ... ahum ...3 H2 filling stations in Belgium :rolleyes:

Nearest is a 70 km round trip
Not really practical
Forum: The Lounge 11-04-2019, 05:39 PM
Replies: 12
Views: 1,517
Posted By euromodder
It's going ahead The van-business is going...

It's going ahead

The van-business is going to be strange
Fiat HAD teamed up with PSA before for vans (small, mid-size and large)
Then FC ditched PSA and went with Opel
Opel went to PSA
Now the...
Forum: Aerodynamics 11-04-2019, 05:28 PM
Replies: 32
Views: 7,825
Posted By euromodder
close the gap between truck and trailer as much...

close the gap between truck and trailer as much as possible (preventing cross-flow)
it's where the V-nose will help, and a vertical baffle plate along the centreline, too - allowing for vertical...
Forum: General Efficiency Discussion 08-08-2019, 05:16 PM
Replies: 1,021
Views: 93,918
Posted By euromodder
It's not just North America VAG is set to...

It's not just North America

VAG is set to kill off and not replace the VW up! / Seat Mii / Skoda Citigo triplets - the smallest cars in each of these manufacturer's ranges.

No replacements...
Showing results 1 to 25 of 500

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