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Old 03-11-2011, 06:10 PM   #51 (permalink)
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Vib - '04 Pontiac Vibe base
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Winter: true
City driving: no. I live in a suburban area with very few city driving scenarios.
Jumpy foot: no. I try to keep the RPMs under 3000.

I've ordered a new OCV filter. Hopefully this is it...

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Old 07-07-2011, 11:36 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Le Vibe - '03 Pontiac Vibe Base
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Hey, I hope you're still modding. I've been following this as a non member for a bit, had to sign up and see if you've done any more work on the Vibeos. I love the covers around the rack rails and am planning to make something similar for my 03. I'm really interested to see what you do with the underside though...
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Old 07-07-2011, 02:30 PM   #53 (permalink)
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Well thank you for your interest! As of right now, almost everything has been removed, BUT my mpgs are going up (last four fill-ups have been approx 30, 32, 30, 33). I have a hidden my upper grille block behind my grille so you can't see it, and I have LED driving lights. Here is the most recent picture:

(it was taken for a photo challenge on genvibe.com, my Vibe forum (I recommend joining there too!))

You can see the grille block in this picture

I have some creative ideas on the underside, one of which I'll be trying today. I'll be lowering it and getting some lighter rims soon, along with some planned mods which will increase power and MPGs.

I may have hit my skill cap at about 33mpg (According to my Kiwi gauge) so I'll be getting more proactive with eco-mods. And some of these mods which I took off will probably go back on for winter (such as the lower grille block and air dam if my idea doesn't work).
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Old 07-07-2011, 08:34 PM   #54 (permalink)
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Skill cap at 33 MPG??????

I got 38 just by driving changes. With the mods you have you should shoot for 40 MPG minimum.

Keep trying!
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Old 07-08-2011, 12:04 AM   #55 (permalink)
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Vib - '04 Pontiac Vibe base
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Originally Posted by Weather Spotter View Post
Skill cap at 33 MPG??????

I got 38 just by driving changes. With the mods you have you should shoot for 40 MPG minimum.

Keep trying!
Remember mate, 4 speed automatic, and air churning alloys. Also, you don't have roof rails to deal with

One thing I would like, though, is a throttle load readout. I can be getting 35-40mg at 55-65 mph with my RPMs resting at about 2200 (yay torque lockup!). Heck, I pass people while getting nearly 40mpg ATM.

But you know I'll keep pushing it! My Kiwi though is chillin' at 33.8 mpg, and it frequently underestimates (when I got that 32.X, kiwi said 31.6). I should probably start turning my car off at stoplights, but I'm just jumpy like that, and I hate to draw attention and scrutiny to myself while driving. I really need to get over that...

My sunroof, though. I was looking at it, and when in "tilt" it actually fits the aero template pretty well. Flow would follow the windshield up and then air would follow the template's curve and not touch the car again, and may disrupt the air bubble hatchbacks/SUVs/wagons get back there.

Oh, and I discovered my "ding" thingies are really just useless. Those air deflectors keep air away from the struts/suspension, not the wheels. So... I'll be extending those as soon as I find where my parents put all my coroplast!!

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