1 Year Average > 40 mpg
I often get asked what mileage "I get". For a while I struggled with the best way to answer that question. Should I give my best ever, my last tank, my 3-tank average, etc.?
I decided to go with my one-year average for a couple reasons. First, it pretty much takes the weather out of it because it encompases an entire year. Second, it dampens out fill variations. Third, it paints the true long-term picture--not just the short term picture under good (or bad) conditions. When I say " I get X mpg", I mean, "I actually average X mpg ALL THE TIME--it's not some inflated number."
Anyway, that brings me to my point. I crossed the 40 mpg threshold.
1 year
10 tanks
14,328.1 miles
353.4 gallons
= 40.54 mpg average
Now if it'll just warm up around here, I wanna make a run at a 50 mpg tank. I mean, seriously, it was snowing on my way into work this morning!
Diesel Dave
My version of energy storage is called "momentum".
My version of regenerative braking is called "bump starting".
1 Year Avg (Every Mile Traveled) = 47.8 mpg
BEST TANK: 2,009.6 mi on 35 gal (57.42 mpg): http://ecomodder.com/forum/showthrea...5-a-26259.html