Originally Posted by pjrob
One such doubter was Reuben Smeed, the founder of Smeeds law, who said that road deaths were related to traffic congestion. Increasing traffic volume leads to an increase in fatalities per capita,
The facts are proving him wrong.
but a decrease in fatalities per vehicle.
That's actually happening.
Others say its vehicle-miles that matter.
Traffic volume, # vehicles, and # miles driven are all on the increase.
Traffic deaths are down against all of these factors.
Despite these increases, in Belgium the total amount of fuel used is dropping !
Another, I think Adams, said that the emerging 3rd world countries have the same death rate any of our countries had decades ago regardless of the safety features that our cars now have and that it correlates with Smeeds law.
They don't have our cars, but are often driving older and/or older-technology cars that are less safe - and often more pollutant.
Africa is full of European hand-me-downs that would otherwise have been scrapped here.
Even their new cars aren't up to EU or US spec regarding safety.
You don't want to crash while driving in, say, a Tata Nano.
Its just that I didnt expect this outcome. I was not even looking for a fuel saving benefit.
Well, you've proven that you can use less gas.
It's all down to the way you drive.
Put your seatbelt on and drive the way you did without it, you'll see the same benefit.
Adjust the nut.