1985 CRX HF had 2-ring pistons, just like the Metro XFi
Automobile Magazine has a feature comparing a 1985 CRX HF to the gen 2 Insight.
I didn't know it had a 2-ring piston style (like the XFi), but that's what the article said:
Civic's 1.5-liter unit, clever updates such as smaller crankshaft journals and fewer piston rings (two per cylinder, versus the 1.5's three) were implemented in the name of reduced internal friction.
Unlike most of today's fuel-economy stars, which never stop reminding you how green your right foot is, the older Honda goes about its task subtly - it's a good car first and a green car second. The HF reminds us that efficiency is what you make it. Honda's tiny, featherweight hatchback may be where we've been, but it's also where we need to be going.