Thought I'd stake out some ground for this project.
Cd 0.29 factory, we'll see how far I can take it.
The suspension has been modified for autocross, but it's currently sprung at approximately stock height and rate. It can be raised or lowered a couple inches from the current setting.
Here's the car before any aerodynamic mods:
Here are some pictures of what I did on Saturday:
Looking back from the front, showing aluminum with gills letting air in to cool the exhaust:
This one may be a little confusing, because the dual exhausts on the back end of my other car also show in the picture. Looking forward from the rear wheel well showing the gills to let air flow out of the engine compartment:
Control arm fairings:
Spats. The license plates will be used as a framework for larger convex coroplast fairings.
Mirrors delete (replaced with internal mirrors):
Partial wheel covers. These wheels are high-offset, so the wheel actually sticks out further than the tire, so a full cover would require a domed shape. I have another set of wheels that are nearly discs that'll be going on once I get appropriate tires on them.