Adam728 - Thank you for calling out my blunder! I was wrong, it had to be a straight 6. Unless it was swapped, which doesn't make much sense due these peeps being power junkies, not economy-driven like us.
Snap beans, 2 times in a row! I got the weight wrong too! The 5200 lbs. came from my registration card & it being weighted on a scale when I took off scrap metal to the junkyard. It usually weighted 6000+ with a 600 lb. load and trailer. I GROSSLY underestimated that trailers weight!

According to ColorodoK5, the curb weight in 1988 was 4676.
You, sir, are awesome in my book for calling my mistakes out
The motor blew like this: Turned a corner. The motor started sounding like a diesel and loosing power. Coasted what I could. Finally got to where I was flooring it and I was loosing speed quick. Looked at the temp. gauge... Over 300

Then it died and I coasted to a stop. I had steam coming out from every mating surface on the block (intake, valve covers, heads, oil pan!), the throttle body, radiator and even the tailpipes. It was quite the catastrophe. Especially since 15 minutes earlier I put over $50 of 93 in it
DirtyDave - Man, I be stuntin' on that 12" of lift and 44" LRR tires

Eco-Hick life BO
Na, at the maximum I will run 33" tires on the stock suspension, with an EZ Inch up front is it needs it. I will go with stock height and 31s/15s with the 3.73 gears for the time being, in order to establish a baseline. I do plan on adding 4.10 gears down the road, in order to get the motor in its efficiency range and achieve optimal piston speed (Thank you Frank Lee, regarding OPS).
Might even lower it a couple inches down the road. If I convert to 2WD, then this is probable.