Thanks, All.
The Kamm was a first attempt, and done before I even started using the airflow tool, which agrees with your assessment.
I did however notice a 10% immediate gain in FE, and was reluctant to remove the existing first gen KAMM. (3 MPG with no other changes - perhaps masked by weather change - must A-B-A test, am making gen 2 KAMM to be removable, 2nd gen will follow your suggestions)
In the 'Kammback for Geo' the author (MetroMPG) suggests 12`-15` as the max angle of attack to avoid flow separation before termination, I will go for this next and report back.
I am jumping to the other end of the car, and have made a radiator box to force air flow through the radiator, and have been able to block most of the air intake ports on the front, with no over heating, and next will make ducting to direct waste air down into the back of engine compartment, behind the bow pan turbulent zone. Initial numbers look good, but I will, again, report after next gas tank (2 weeks or so).
So, SuperMID or MPGuino - will do due diligence and get one or the other.
I read as many of your threads as I can (my work allows me much Internet time to read). Very pleased to be aboard.
Where can I get the 1.21 GIGAWATTS of electricity that I need?
Last edited by Brillig; 06-01-2009 at 09:42 AM..
Reason: correction for accuracy