Originally Posted by busypaws
I have a 95 Toyota PU 5speed 2.4L 4cyl and 2wd. Lifetime is 27.1 mpg.
I don't know anything about the 4wd or 6cyl.
I'm at 26.7 mpg over the last 7K miles in my '88 4WD, 4 cyl - it's got about 215K miles on it, and I basically don't drive it unless at least part of the trip is on steep & rough dirt, through deep snow, loaded down with firewood, or hauling stuff from Home Depot.
For a conversion, I think it'd be better to fix this one up and find another one that has a bad engine. The basic model had a long production run, and they do tend to last, at least around here where there's not much winter road salting.