Originally Posted by dirtydave
So like a daily A-A-A-B-B-B-C-C-C! too bad you live in the flat land and can't coast down test!!
what's the technique for the 2.5 mile drive?
It is more around 4 miles
To start off, it is an acceleration of ~65% load to 45 mph out of town. Then it is DWL up a bridge, then EOnC down. I DWL through a S-turn and up the hill leading out of it. Then I accelerate at max BSFC (80-85%, TC locked) till 55 mph & my coast point. Then it is EOC for close to 2 miles to my driveway.
Not super scientific, but I am getting there
There is a mile stretch of near perfectly flat road near my girlfriend's house. I think that will be my location to do some serious scientific calculations with aero mods.