Almost fill-up time and this latest commute to work (plus a side stop at the bank) got me up to 63.4 mpg over 405 miles (see pic). This was in steady traffic, 35 mph, alot of EV mode.
I'm thinking about changing to this route to go to work because it has alot of stop lights and is 40 mph or less most of the way (this works to my advantage to stay in EV mode instead of driving above 40 mph on my old route) and is alot of downhill (from the point where I usually turn off to use my old route). For the ride home, I might keep my old route as it is less uphill than the new route would be. The new route is about the same distance traveled as the old route (only adds about a mile) but heavier traffic would add a few minutes to my drive.
It's hard to argue with the results after driving it the other day...3 bars of 100+ mpg and 2 bars at/over 75 mpg...verrrrrrrry interesting.
I'm at 63.2 mpg over 430 miles with a fill-up due today or tomorrow.