12-20-2010, 01:07 PM
#11 (permalink)
Batman Junior
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That would solve the perennial "was that fill really accurate?" debate, wouldn't it?
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12-20-2010, 07:44 PM
#12 (permalink)
Left Lane Ecodriver
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We should ask Bob to spell out in advance which fuel measuring techniques will be acceptable.
Any device that counts fuel injector pulses like an MPGuino or a factory mpg gauge should be allowed, as long as it's calibrated honestly. A device like a ScanGauge that estimates fuel consumption by watching the onboard sensors won't be 100% accurate, but would be more plausible than some of the fills we've seen at some of these events.
12-20-2010, 11:45 PM
#13 (permalink)
Too many cars
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I'll be there one way or another! I might find it too frustrating to drive slowly around WGI. 
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2000 Honda Insight
2006 Honda Insight (parts car)
1988 Honda CRXFi
1994 Geo Metro
12-21-2010, 12:21 AM
#14 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Gasoline Fumes
I'll be there one way or another! I might find it too frustrating to drive slowly around WGI. 
I was thinking the same thing.
I'll bet Bob will have some "rules of the road" worked out for the event though.
2007 ZENN and 2019 Chevy Bolt EV 145,000 oil free miles to date.
12-21-2010, 02:07 PM
#15 (permalink)
Batman Junior
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Yes. The 2 fuel economy competitions will be on the WGI short course.
It will be fun- all at highway speeds.
Happy Holidays !
Bob G.
01-10-2011, 10:06 PM
#16 (permalink)
OCD Master EcoModder
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+ 1 for accepting fuel data from an MPGuino or a factory installed mpg gauge. If not available, then measure at the pump. Both fills should be all the way, till you can see it in the neck.
I'd like to see more miles in the challenge. An approx. 80 mile loop (last year's run) needs under 2 gallons, so any small error in measuring fuel consumption is magnified. I'd be fine with 100-125 miles, just speaking for myself of course.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.
01-11-2011, 11:02 AM
#17 (permalink)
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Does anybody have access to accurate electronic scales? Weighing in and weighing out along with the fill volume could be very accurate?
01-12-2011, 12:48 AM
#18 (permalink)
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Edited. I had the logic of this idea wrong-way around when I first wrote this response. My apologies.
Any weight reduction would be interpreted as fuel consumption so tossing any weight would give an apparent increase in consumption. Acquiring extra weight would "game" the system but that shouldn't be a problem on a closed course.
Give every driver a few bottles of water before the weigh in.
wikipedia says gasoline weighs 6.073 lb/US gal Gasoline - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
A google search gave me 6.175 lb/US gallon. It does vary with temperature - so therefore the weight of the gasoline is actually a more meaningful measure of fuel quantity than the volume.
The idea has potential, but you do need a very accurate scale of the right capacity.
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.
Last edited by brucepick; 01-12-2011 at 07:40 AM..
01-12-2011, 04:32 PM
#19 (permalink)
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Watch for updated on line registration form
Re. on line registration form for this year's GGP: See Bob's note on that at the end of this post. The form should be up in a few weeks.
Below is a note I received today from Bob Gillespie, posted here with his kind permission:
Good to hear from you.
The Short Course will be great fun. The fact of it is; EVERYBODY loves driving on this track that has so much history.
The fuel metering issue..
We just have to keep trying to do it better. We will come closer this year. The matter is being discussed by our committee, but we certainly invite all ideas, like the MPGuino method you wrote about.
Looking forward to a great event in April with as many Ecomodders as possible- you guys are an important part of our Green Grand Prix. The correct online registration form should be up within a few weeks. Please spread the word. I will let you know when it's ready.
Bob Gillespie
Welcome To The Official Green Grand Prix Web Site
Coast long and prosper.
Driving '00 Honda Insight, acquired Feb 2016.
02-19-2011, 09:37 AM
#20 (permalink)
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Update: Newest Email from Bob
Registrations are now being accepted for our 7th Annual Green Grand Prix.
Online registration is on our website Welcome To The Official Green Grand Prix Web Site . We expect to have our first joint news release with WGI next week, but I wanted to give our past entrants first chance to register. We expect to see many new registrations once this event is publicized. In terms of track time alone, it is by far the most affordable way you will ever spend two hours in competition on the famous Watkins Glen Grand Prix circuit.
What- 7th Annual Green Grand Prix ( Doris Bovee Memorial Road Rallies)
Where- Watkins Glen International Grand Prix circuit ( NASCAR short course)
When- Friday April 15th, 2011
Registration – online at Welcome To The Official Green Grand Prix Web Site
Registration fee for team of two (includes driver and navigator)- $75 private, $150 for business entry. Entry fee includes two commemorative Tee-shirts and insurance costs and 2 weekend SCCA memberships (required)
Categories of vehicle fuel economy competition- At least 10. TBA.
You have your choice of entering either a 50 mile fuel economy (1 hr) rally or 100 mile fuel economy rally (approx 2 hours). Each event has a potty break/ optional driver/navigator change. You will average somewhere between 49 mph and 55 mph.
If your vehicle has at least 2 seats, you will need a navigator. Navigators need to be at least 16 years old and have a valid drivers license.
Green Grand Prix schedule 4/15/11 (tentative)
7:15 A.M. Registration for Fuel Economy Rally starts
7:30 A.M. Tech inspection starts for Fuel Economy Rally
8:00 A.M Drivers meeting for Fuel Economy Rally
8:30 A.M. – 10:30 A.M. First Doris Bovee Memorial Fuel Economy Rally . ( 2 hours)
10:45 A.M.- 11:45 A.M. Second Doris Bovee Memorial Fuel Economy Rally ( 1 hour)
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM Demonstration laps for single experimental cars
2:00 P.M.- 3:00 P.M. NY Electrathon Heat 1
3:15 P.M.- 4-15 P.M. NY Electrathon Heat 2
Pricey pricey this year, and we don't even get to drive fast!