This version works by cutting the signal from the Crankshaft position sensor. The engine will shut off cleanly and instantly and will not throw any Check Engine Light Codes.
Materials used:
1) 1 smallest precision flat head screwdriver (or anything really pointy and small)
2) 1 needle nose pliers
3) 2 quick splices
5) 2 female spade connectors
6) 1 switch
Locate the engine harness on the upper left side of the engine bay
On the ENGINE side of the harness, press down the black release tab, The Grey bracket should pop up
Push the grey bracket 90* backwards towards the firewall to release the engine harness
Use needlenose pliers and pull out the white locking thing (it pulls out easily) to expose the small male connectors
CAREFULLY pry out the grey wire holders from the ENGINE SIDE of the harness about halfway…be careful not to break the side locking tabs
Now you should be able to release the male pin connector. Firstly, The Crankshaft position sensor is pin #3 of the FIREWALL SIDE of the harness (female connectors)…
Therefore, find the corresponding MALE pin connector on the ENGINE side of the harness… it’s the BLUE WIRE, top row, 3rd from the LEFT if you’re looking at the wire harness from the backside where all of the wires are coming out
There is a small locking tab on the TOP of the spade connector. Insert the small precision flathead (or something flat and pointy) to release the tab…then you should be able to pull out the male spade connector from the back.
Now, grab your two wires and 2 quick splices. Splice one wire onto the BLUE wire (ENGINE SIDE) male pin side. Splice another wire onto the White wire (FIREWALL SIDE) on the female side.
FEMALE row, WHITE WIRE, 3rd from the RIGHT
Thread the wires through the fender,
…through the door jamb…
….Into the passenger compartment of the car.
Tuck the wires up behind the glove box and behind the center consol
Now with the two wires…splice in some female spade connectors into your switch.
You should end up with something like this…
Finally, plug in the ENGINE HARNESS, tape up the exposed male pin connector to protect from shorting out and enjoy your new kill switch!