Originally Posted by Grant-53
The quality of tires is always a major concern. There are good touring tires available that should be more than adequate. Since your engine is not putting out enormous torque nor are you kneedragging as in Moto 3, tire cooling should not be a issue.
I am only half agree with you on this.
Since the good ol' days when from low to top notch hi speed missile, the motorbikes used pretty much the same sizes of tires (from 100 to 130 width), there has been a lot of categorization.
Categorization meaning the tire manufacturer can search for a more adequate mix in the different tires they're selling.
Cheap rubber for small bike tire sizes (like mine)
Twin compound rubber for faster bike.
Etcatera, etcaetera.
So for a rear 16" 120 width tire, tires are meant to be cheap, for a light and slow bike, hence low speed rating, and old school threads.
So my bike does not put out a lot of torque (but being a single it comes in early and abruptely) and I don't ride like a Moto GP rider but still, I want it to be capable at speed and in the twisties as I use an epic road on my way to work.
And since I happen to use it on the upper hand of its speed potential, I have seen my rear tire fade away in say half a thousands miles !
Originally Posted by Grant-53
The larger diameter wheel has a longer tire patch but more air drag and mass. Vehicle weight, tire compound, and inflation pressure affect rolling resistance. The high speed HPV racers often use 20" wheels and triathletes typically use 26" wheels rather than the 700C on road racers.
I don't know what to do with these information.
One thing I know is I can source down to 37 rear wheel sprocket but nothing smaller easily.
The other thing I know is 16" rear tires in the width I need have a small speed index and with my previous experience, I have been led to believe this could be an issue on my quest to 100 mph.
Originally Posted by Grant-53
Changing the rear suspension and wheelbase means retuning the the whole set up front and rear for best results. That's half the fun, the other half is when the bike responds like it's an extension of your mind.
I am not properly minded for bike set up, I don't understand handling and my guts are telling me when to back off (so far way before the bikes limits) and given the DNA of the GN, I don't think it is smart to set it high goals (other than a higher top speed, obviously)
Originally Posted by Grant-53
Has the frame been checked for alignment since you bought it?
That being said, the tire issue might be me not aligning the rear wheel properly (in the same slot but that might be not accurate enough ?)