According to the User CP, this is my profile picture:

I apologize for taking so long to respond (and for not removing my silly avatar picture), my sister asked me to take my nephews on a snow camp out at the last minute, which was especially exciting, because I have not worn warm clothing in years! That stuff was buried!
I have also been busy with my internship. Anyway...
This was my view from where I sat on the floor in the back:
They printed this chair:
I believe the top one is Ninjaflex (and had some obvious printing error) and the bottom one is a less flexible version:
The model Toyota engine:
The Raman Pi:
Some more of its components:
I was not able to get in very close. There is a 3D printer, materials, and several coils of plastic, these were samples they were giving out. Not having a printer, I took a pen!
This is the printer from the previous image. Three-D printing "Phoenix 3D Printing" in Phoenix?!
I apologize, they briefly mentioned these vehicles, but I do not remember what they said: