Originally Posted by alohaspirit
car wouldnt start due to clogged aux fuel pump
i bypassed it and everything is perfect
(it was my fault really, there was no filter before it so it got clogged)
i added the aux fuel pump as a "helper"
should i put another one in or rely solely on the lift pump?
Also, choose a pump that is cleanable and rebuild-able. I use the Facet electric pump that you can purchase through Pep Boys as it allows a simple clean out and rebuild. The pressure comes set from the factory at 4-5 PSI but resetting the spring perch puts it up to 7-10 PSI which works well for WVO. The Facet electric pump feeds the factory lift pump and makes fuel bleeding much easier.
Also, if your pump got clogged, your WVO is not clean enough or debris is sloughing off your tank. Before I put an old Mercedes into service, I hot tank the fuel tank so as to start with a clean system. Install a clean filter mesh in the tank pickup.
Fat can also coagulate and precipitate out in the tank while sitting for periods of time. I have a water to oil pre-heat exchanger that heats my fuel oil before it gets to my filters and pumps, so fats do not clog them. A large heat exchanger before my main filter as well as an electric heater before the injection pump round out my heating elements.
The hot oil in the return line can also be utilized by Siamese configuration of the return and feed lines and insulating them so as to extract some heat from the hot return oil to the feed line oil reducing the chance of fat clogging. I have customers who insulate the fuel tank. However, I live in such a temperate climate, I have not needed to do so in my personal vehicles.
And finally, centrifuge your oil if you can. Small systems can be purchased for 600 USD or so. My system is of an industrial nature, but it results in the same - oil so clean, I change filters every 6 months only for maintenance and not because of clogging.