Im moving in March and have a 3000km/2500mile drive ahead of me. Not too big of a deal as my car gets decent mileage. Im stopping 5 times along they way, I'm in no rush...paid food and hotels. So i can take it easy.
Now because I'm moving i have to take all my stuff so i had to buy a trailer
And the hitch sticks out into the flow from underneath the car so I'm planning on redesigning the diffuser under there to fix that as much as possible.
Here is some pics of the trailer...was in a rush so wasnt able to get the full car and I didnt even get a straight on shot but its close enough. did some mad editing in the second picture to get the full car shape in there.
I have the stock decklid lip on trunk right now but was thinking of making something like a ducktail extension on the trunk to get the air to flow further back. Like in the second picture...the green line. Should i do it at this angle or more straight out so it meets the flow better?