Just found this thread and I must say that it is very interesting. I also have a very similar rig, a 38' Newmar with a 300hp cat engine. I have experimented with the existing rig, without modification, since my purchase. So far I have just employed driving technique to improve my fuel economy. I have a long term average of around 10 mpg, with occasional interstate runs up to 11 mpg. I am also at 28-30000 pounds, depending on tank levels and cargo.
I believe that the single most effective measure is to simply slow down. My fuel economy is significantly better at 55 mph, or just above, than at 65 mph. In the end, it doesn't affect the arrival time all that much. But, I have derived a few other techniques which seem to help:
1. Drive just above 55 mph. In my rig, this allows the 6 speed Allison transmission to stay in top gear almost all the time.
2. Use the economy mode on the transmission. This mode delays down shifts and sometimes avoids a downshift entirely.
3. If terrain is very hilly, drive the rig without cruise control. Allow the rig to gain speed on downhills and try to anticipate how much momentum to give up on the uphill to avoid a downshift.
4. Travel with empty sewage tanks and only half a tank of fresh water.
5. Air the rear tires to the full spec 120 psi. The fronts may adversely effect a harsh ride at this pressure. I use 90 psi on the fronts, but one must use enough pressure to reach the required load capacity of the tire.
6. Empty the rig of all unnecessary loads such as excess cargo. (You could throw the wife overboard, but that probably has a negative impact

I have also discovered that carefully shopping fuel prices can significantly effect the overall operating costs. The web site:
GasBuddy.com - Find Low Gas Prices in the USA and Canada
allows one to shop the diesel prices for any city along the route. Recently the best prices have been at WalMart fuel stations using their "gift" card to save the extra 3 cents, but these are sometimes tight so scout out your entry/exit before approaching the pumps.
I look forward to reading more of this thread. From my aero research I too think that the best potential in in some sort of boattail, wheel covers, and potentially some underbelly smooting. Good luck and we anxiouly await the numbers.
Jim E.