Originally Posted by Will
Honestly I think it would be a very bad idea to put donuts on a car and use them as normal tires. I am sure with enough research you can come up with a better option. It's just too much risk. If you lost control and hit someone how would you feel? That is a very big thing to think about, and a bigger thing to live with.
Is not 'economy' part of the name of this board? What other options are going to be at least as efficient and economical as $50 out the door? I think that driving with the throttle stuck in a certain position, turning off the engine while driving, and various other behaviors discussed on this board are at least as risky.
Note this is all opinion.
I think that with an equal amount of vigilance, it can be as safe as driving around with the engine off sometimes or with tires inflated to 70 PSI.
That all said, I am not a practitioner of said practice, just the person with the most potential to do so.
Heck, maybe I'll slap them on, do a few runs, and find out that there's no mileage improvement. Or that the car feels way too unstable.
I always find the handling limits of my car with no one else around whenever I make significant mods, so that won't be an issue.
I'm a risk-taker, but I don't believe in risking the safety/resources of others for my own benefit. I'll accept totaling my car and injuring myself in the name of discovery, but not even putting a dent in another's car, much less injuring another person.