Just trying to see where we stand here, and if there is actually any market interest for 125cc bikes in Merica’, or if I’m the only crazy person. I love tiny engined motorcycles, they allow you to hoon the absolute crap out of them and not break laws. Even after stepping down from a VFR 800 to a CBR 250(admittedly a four cylinder

), I still find myself wanting a bike I can hoon more. A well executed launch with the 250(read: 10,000 rpm) can get it to 60 mph in about 5.5 seconds. That is not much time to ENJOY the acceleration. And that’s 60 mph, most roads around me are 45 mph speed limits, and I don’t feel comfortable doing 15 over. Then after accelerating, I find that it’s just got way more engine than I need even though it’s only a 250cc! I want a 125cc!
So now here is the problem, I want 5+ gears, fuel injection, and LIQUID COOLING. The Honda grom comes close, but it’s only got 4 gears and is air cooled. There is an aftermarket 5 speed transmission for a not unreasonable $500, but the bike is still air cooled, a deal breaker. But wait, the exact kind of bike actually exists, and is still being made and sold, just not here in America.
I am currently drooling over two 125cc bikes at the moment, the 2008+ Honda CBR 125R, and the 2007+ Honda XL125 Veradero. The CBR is just a plain LIQUID COOLED fuel injected 125cc single with 6 gears. The veradero on the other hand also features liquid cooling and fuel injection, but this baby is rocking a 125cc V-TWIN capable of 12,000 RPM! Adding to the cool factor it has air cooled looking cylinders. It is only a 5 speed, and would require ridiculous regearing to make me happy with cruising rpms(sprockets are available), but it’s still awesome. Really I would want the Veradero’s engine in the CBR, it could be a VTR 125.
The problem lies with production costs, and therefore pricing. People automatically relate engine size to price, not justifying these tiny engined bikes. However, you should consider an element of fun factor as well, if a bike would let you have more fun, wouldn’t you be willing to pay more for it? Another thing, these bikes are capable of doing 75 mph, which makes all those “are 250s able to go on highways?” videos kind of silly.
Realistically, I could see the CBR 125 priced at $4,500, and the XL125 priced at $5,500.
So let’s hear it Americans, is this a hopeless pipe dream and am I doomed to wait 14 YEARS until I can import one of these bad boys, or are you going to make me happy?