Originally Posted by dcb
number of high cycles ...total number of cycles, and vss tics
Originally Posted by dcb
another value for the total number of injector pulses (RPM would be nice).
I thought we were sending three values from the controller: 1) VSS pulse count per second (or other interval). 2) Injector pulse count per second. 3) Injector pulse width. Which cycles are you referring to? Though stored in the controller as two or three byte binary numbers, data will be sent as characters, one byte each, via serial communication.
Gathering these data will use all of three our timer/counters. I figure the high-resolution timer should be used for pulse width & counting. The second for counting the VSS pulses. And the third for our one-second timer. This will preclude any future pulse width modulation output. (But we've still got the analog outputs available, Coyote
On threads: yes, separate threads for Arduino, code, i/o, palm, etc.
@ Coyote. Thanks for the supermid schematic. I"ll copy the injector input layout (as soon as I figure out what a 2SA1015 is
). I don't think we need tach input though, we need VSS. Is that what he is referring to by 'tach'? You've got LCD experience, I say you pick one and let us know the part number.
On RS232 vs USB. I still don't see the issue. It seems the early 'Palm serial ports' used TTL. (Cables are available for both USB and RS232 to Palm serial). Later Palms used RS232. And even newer ones use USB. TTL, RS232 and USB are all serial; Just get an adapter cable. dbc, can you confirm the Palm ports?
I got my Arduino Saturday. I did my 'hello world' that evening via both blinky light and output to my laptop. Sunday I soldered up my protoype shield and read up on timer/counters. I've been busy with a visiting mother in law since then
, and now I'm getting ready for a river clean up this weekend. Shoot. I had hoped to have some input counting coded this week.